Strong growth for Swedish nurseries
Both turnover and production value of Swedish nurseries have increased steadily over the past 10 years. This has meant that more are interested in the nursery industry in Sweden, and on June 16th-18th, LRF Horticulture, who organizes the Swedish nursery companies, will arrange the summer meeting for ENA, European Nursery Stock Association.
The increase in turnover can be explained by the growing interest in gardens and the urban environment, says Eva Anflo, head of LRF Horticulture.
Turnover in Swedish nursery industry risen by 47% and the production values has also increased over the last ten years, according to figures from the Swedish board of Agriculture and LRF Horticulture.
– This can probably be attributed to increased demand for larger sizes on all kinds of plants, compared to a decade ago. Municipalities and landscapers, for example, choose to plant trees in larger sizes nowadays, says Patrick Svensson, who represents the Swedish nurseries in ENA.
Customers also choose to purchase other types of plants in larger sizes. Perennials and ornamental grasses are more common in larger pots and shrubs in solitary sizes are sold more often. Instant gardening plays a key role in this development. The long production times for nursery plants – for trees sometimes around 10 years, also contributes to the increase in production value.
The most evident customer development for the Swedish nurseries is both municipalities and landscapers who buy plants for the urban environment.
– We've got more customers and both old and new customers are buying more plants than earlier. Buying habits have also changed. For example the use of perennials is huge today compared to 10 years ago, says Patrick Svensson.
On June 16th-18th, ENA, the European Nursery stock Association, will hold their summer meeting in Helsingborg, with LRF Horticulture as host. ENA is an association for Europe's nursery organizations and consists of 17 of members, of which 14 are in the EU.
– We are looking forward to present the Swedish nursery industry for our European sister organizations, says Patrick Svensson.