NEWS - COVID-19 crisis: United call to EC
10 April 2020
COVID-19 crisis: Joint call for extraordinary & urgent support by the EU to the flower & live plants sector
In an unprecedented move, a united coalition of 9 European-based organizations, representing all segments and sub-sectors of the flower & live plants sector in the EU and altogether a very significant voice for the thousands of companies across the EU sustaining a total estimated market value of 48 billion EUR and employing 760.000 people, have joined forces to urge the European Commission to activate as soon as possible extraordinary and temporary support measures that are urgently needed across the EU to help the sector survive the brutal impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
ENA held the summer meeting in Ukraine.
ENA, the European Nurserystock Association, held the General Assembly in Ukraine.
The European Nurserystock Association (ENA) summer meeting was held in Kyiv –Ukraine– on the first week of July 2019. The delegates from 15 countries attended and discussed the main issues in the nursery sector.
The General Assembly worked on the implementation of the Plant Health Regulation, on Xylella, the ‘Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe’ project, sustainability in the nurserystock sector and discussed the market trends.
ENA held the General Assembly during IPM-Essen. 2019
February 14, 2019
The coming EU Plant Health Regulation was discussed by ENA -the European Nurserystock Association- at the General Assembly held in Essen (Germany).
The European Nurserystock Association (ENA) General Assembly met in Essen, Germany, during the IPM trade show, on January 24th, 2019. Thirty-nine delegates from nineteen countries participated and discussed the main concerns of the European nursery sector in a meeting chaired by the President Mr Jan-Dieter Bruns, recently elected.
“Green Cities for a Sustainable Europe” new website
‘Green Cities for a sustainable Europe’ launches the new website www.thegreencities.eu
This is the informative platform for professionals who want to gain knowledge about green as a solution to combat the adverse effects of climate change.

The ENA General Assembly has elected a new board of directors in the General Assembly held in Oxford (United Kingdom).
June 29, 2018
ENA celebrated its last General Assembly meeting on June 27th, 2018, in Oxford (UK) hosted by the HTA. 32 delegates from 19 countries participated in the meeting and welcomed the Nursery Association of the Czech Republic as a new member.
ENA held elections; Jan-Dieter Bruns, from Germany, was elected President and Henk Raaijmakers from the Netherlands was elected Vice President.
ENA statement on Xylella
February 21, 2018
The last General Assembly examined the current situation of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe. European nurseries are aware of the risks posed by this bacterium; however, ENA agreed on the need to stress some aspects of disease management.

ENA summer meeting 2017 held in Finland
July 10, 2017
The European Nurserystock Association General Assembly met in Tampere, Finland, on June 25th and 26th, 2017 and visited the Finish nursery industry over the remainder of the week.
Almost forty delegates from sixteen European countries participated in the trip and discussed the main concerns of the European nursery sector, as Plant Health -including Xylella fastidiosa-, Invasive Alien Species, the EU Fertilisers Regulation and the “Green Cities for Europe” promotion campaign.
Taimistoviljelijät Planskoleodlarna ry, the Finish Nurserymen’s Association, hosted the meeting led by their President Mr Arttu Haverinen and their Executive Director Mr Jyri Uimonen.

ENA reaches 20 countries.
February 28, 2017
ENA -European Nurserystock Association- accepted Ukraine as a new member, shared information with American colleagues and discussed new projects.
The European Nurserystock Association (ENA) General Assembly met in Essen, Germany, during IPM trade show, on January 26th, 2017. Over thirty delegates from sixteen countries participated and discussed the main concerns of the European nursery sector in a meeting chaired by Mr Jan-Dieter Bruns, ENA Vice-president.

ENA celebrates 25 years
October 19, 2016
The European Nurserystock Association will plant 25 trees to celebrate its twenty fifth anniversary. Trees live themselves and give us the means to live, these 25 trees also symbolise the billions (yes, billions!) of plants produced by European nurseries in the last 25 years.
Tree planting ceremonies in Brussels (BE), Naousa (GR), Warsaw (PL), Santarém (PT), Helsinki (FI), Chilton-Oxfordshire (UK), Sofia (BG), Burgas (BG), Veliko Tarnovo (BG), Pavlikeni (BG), Targovishte (BG), Collodi - Pescia/Pistoia (IT), Dublin (IE), Šabac (RS), The Hague (NL), Uster (CH), Girona (ES), Malmö (SE), Malmö (SE), Odense (DK), Belgrade (RS), Saint Germain en Laye (near Paris, FR), Kyiv (UA).

ENA held the General Assembly in Bulgaria.
June 29, 2016
ENA President, Mr Tim Edwards, was re-elected and Mr Jan-Dieter Bruns was elected vice-president.
The European Nurserystock Association (ENA) General Assembly was held in Sofia – Bulgaria – on June 21st, 2016.
The delegates from 17 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) attended and discussed the main issues in the nursery sector.

New editions of the Lists of Names of woody plants and perennials
April 8, 2016
The new editions (2016-2020) of the List of Names of woody plants and the List of Names of perennials contain more than 12,000 new names.
They are preferred names, synonyms and commercial names of almost 45,000 woody plants and 24,000 perennials, and they are the official names of the commercial range of nursery stock in Europe and largely the United States.
Most important changes
Addition of more than 12,000 new names (8,500 woody plants and 3,500 perennials).
Various taxonomic changes in names after consultation with trade and industry.
The status of protection by Plant Breeders’ rights has been added to around 7,000 cultivars.
ENA held the General Assembly during IPM-Essen.
February 10, 2016
The European Nurserystock Association (ENA) General Assembly met in Essen –Germany–, during IPM trade show, on January 28th, 2016. It was attended by thirty delegates from 18 European countries to discuss the main concerns of the European nursery sector.
The French organisation Val’hor was accepted as a new member.

Strong growth for Swedish nurseries
June 16, 2015
Both turnover and production value of Swedish nurseries have increased steadily over the past 10 years.This has meant that more are interested in the nursery industry in Sweden, and on June 16th-18th, LRF Horticulture, who organizes the Swedish nursery companies, will arrange the summer meeting for ENA, European Nursery Stock Association.The increase in turnover can be explained by the growing interest in gardens and the urban environment, says Eva Anflo, head of LRF Horticulture.

ENA, the European Nursery Stock Association, has elected a new President
July 5, 2014
The European Nursery Stock Association (ENA) held its summer meeting in Stavanger, Norway, first week of July 2014.
The organisation’s General Assembly approved its first set of ‘Domestic Regulations’, the rules that determine how it will function; this was the final stage of the process of becoming a ‘Non-Profit Organisation’ (NPO). NPO status permits ENA to be formally recognised by the European institutions and will allow ENA to take a more prominent role in the consultation process that develops legislation governing trade in the European Union.